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Thursday, August 23, 2007

(blowing the candles)

(taking pic wif the cake)
today at sch after comeing bac frm the science center go play basketball den 1e2 vs 1e1 lose by dun know how many points(not alot they noob 1 la give chance)den ltr jia qian call me den i tot she say come here sit down we conference den i jus walk away go refill waterbottle cause i dun care den ltr when i gt bac they say come sit here den i saw the cake i was shock they actually wanted me to sit down because they wan to celebrate my birthday den i very touch(going to cry liao)ai ya forget take pic den ltr go home after dinner my parents celebrated my birthday also and den took pics tis time

Name Pls

(is he sleeping? i tink he is sleeping)

(the scenery when go to the science center)
today went to science center to see the dun know wad shit den ltr when gt ther i and edgar tok about last time when we go to the science center. den ltr we go inside the china thingy den ltr must do worksht den go outside the place to wait for teacher while waiting i took faheem pic for fun and den we took the girls pic also

Name Pls

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

(zhao hao taking sherman pic but i took his pic first haha)

(sherman ownself say tis pic he very shuai)

(zhan kang the monkey look)
at class take all the pics actually still gt quite a lot of ppl in class but nver took their photo

Name Pls

ytd after sch go play basketball 1e1 vs 1e2 and we thrash them by dun know how many points sia ai ya dun wan to say la ltr they cry den vs edgar badminton frein actually we winning den we ltr play play tot we will win cause left 1 point den we win but the edgar frien siao 1 lor so pro(ai ya i give him chance onli la)den ltr we folo the girls go find the teachers dun know do wad den ltr go mac eat. gt a groups of fatty girls at our opposite also den we taking pics of ea other den they say we taking zi lian(chinese) photo wa lao of course nt happy la den scold them bac they ltr after scold them bac still nt happy den continue scold and scold woo siok man. den ltr go playground den i and edgar say wan to jump the playground den at first scared scared(jus act 1 onli la) den ltr in the end jump siok sia the feeling

Name Pls

Friday, August 17, 2007

today edgar come my hs to cut his hair wif me den ltr i tink for a while den i say dun wan la dun feel like cutting den nver cut den he come help me download o2jam wa lao eh slow like hell sia the loading is 4kb per seconds den ltr i and him go down cut hair den we go eat kfc den i lost my $5 dollars wa lao eh tis month is damn unlucky for me canot go out anymore den ltr go home to take the money ltr i call him to go downstairs den i throw my key down to him the key damn nice sia it is like helicopter siok man den ltr he go cut hair and i say i go buy rice for my sis he say ok den ltr when i gt bac ther he is gone wa lao

Name Pls

Friday, August 10, 2007

Name Pls

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

today went to school early first to folo jerome and sherman eat mac

den later watch the show of the national celebrations and anna singing can go join the best lousiest singer award sure win 1

later after the whole thing end we when to tmart to eat and den some say go mac some say go 7-11 den some say go kopitiam den some say go kfc wa lao waste my time in the end go 7-11 buy the spaghetti den go eat

after tt go jerome hs play i and edgar keep on disturb amos and letting him be our WWE dummy damn fun sia

Name Pls





I WISH .. A new wallet, pencil box, man.u newest jersey and a nike shoe




July 2007
August 2007


Designer: Kwun Hin(:
Images: Absoluteanime
Image Host: Photobucket